This week’s movie selection is “Yes Man!” with Jim Carrey. This movie came out in 2009 and the premise was that Jim Carrey had to say “Yes” to every opportunity that came his way. In 2010 I decided that I was no longer going to make New Year’s Resolutions that constituted of depriving myself of something, make promises I couldn’t keep, or being someone I was not. In 2010 I made it the “Year of the Yes” and that year changed my life for not only 2010 but for every year that has followed.
In 2010, I proclaimed to my friends that it was the “Year of the Yes”. I told them that I would say “Yes” to anything they asked me to do and any opportunity that came my way and that I needed them to hold me accountable. Thankfully my friends are not cruel and sadistic, but instead supportive and challenged me to go outside my comfort zone and experience life. By saying “Yes” to every opportunity that came my way, I experienced a new road that I would not have gone down otherwise. With each “Yes” I became more comfortable in the unknown, I gave up comfort in control and I allowed life to just happen. I became more confident, more at peace, and believed (and still believe) that with every “Yes” I am not only saying yes to life but also “Yes” to the life that I am supposed to live. I learned to take things including myself less seriously, to keep my eyes and mind open to all that life has to offer and even if I didn’t necessary like what I was doing I found something to enjoy in that moment. With every “Yes” I was telling the Universe, I want some more.
Since 2010, I have added on to the “Year of the Yes” with each passing year. I make every year the “Year of the Yes” and then add on a new challenge that opens me up to new experiences. It is amazing how one word can change the way you see and feel about life. I believe this movie really captures the power of “Yes” and how so many time we shut ourselves off before the true adventure begins because of fear or laziness. We only have one life, make the most of it and say YES!